As with any process, the more prepared sellers are ahead of time, the smoother the inspection will run. After all, no home is perfect, so it’s important to remember that…

NELSON, B.C. – September 6 th , 2022. Residential real estate sales for the month of August in the regionshowing signs of returning to stronger market activity, reports the Association…

2022 Celebrates 104 years of the Creston Valley Fall Fair! The Fall Fair is a community favourite and people in the valley look forward to attending every year. For many…

NELSON, B.C. – August 5 th , 2022. Residential real estate sales for the month of July in the region slid down topre-pandemic activity, reports the Association of Interior REALTORS®…

Located in a nice quiet neighborhood within close proximity to downtown Creston, this 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom home is also close to schools and recreation.