• Thinking About Selling Your Home For Sale by Owner? Here Are 10 Reasons It Might Cost You More

      Selling a home is a significant financial transaction, and while going the “For Sale By Owner” (FSBO) route might seem appealing, it often ends up being more costly and complicated than anticipated. Here are 10 reasons why hiring a professional realtor might be a smarter choice:

      1. Pricing Expertise
        • FSBO: Homeowners may struggle to price their property accurately, leading to overpricing or undervaluing the home.
        • Realtor: A realtor has access to comprehensive market data and experience to set a competitive and realistic price, maximizing your return.
      2. Marketing Reach
        • FSBO: Limited exposure on a few websites and social media platforms might not reach enough potential buyers.
        • Realtor: Realtors have access to Multiple Listing Services (MLS), professional networks, and marketing tools to reach a broader audience, attracting more serious buyers.
      3. Negotiation Skills
        • FSBO: Homeowners may lack the negotiation skills needed to secure the best deal or navigate counteroffers effectively.
        • Realtor: Realtors are trained negotiators who can handle offers and counteroffers professionally, ensuring you get the best terms and price.
      4. Time and Effort
        • FSBO: Managing showings, inquiries, paperwork, and negotiations can be time-consuming and stressful for homeowners.
        • Realtor: A realtor handles all aspects of the sale, saving you time and reducing stress, allowing you to focus on your daily life.
      5. Legal Protection
        • FSBO: Without professional guidance, homeowners might overlook important legal documents and disclosures, leading to potential legal issues.
        • Realtor: Realtors ensure all legal documents and disclosures are properly handled, protecting you from potential lawsuits and fines.
      6. Market Knowledge
        • FSBO: Homeowners might not be aware of current market trends and buyer preferences, leading to misinformed decisions.
        • Realtor: Realtors stay up-to-date with market trends and have a deep understanding of what buyers are looking for, helping you position your home effectively.
      7. Professional Network
        • FSBO: Limited access to professional contacts can make it harder to stage the home, conduct inspections, and handle repairs.
        • Realtor: Realtors have a network of trusted professionals, including home stagers, inspectors, and contractors, to ensure your home is in top condition.
      8. Buyer Perception
        • FSBO: Some buyers might perceive FSBO homes as a sign the seller is desperate or difficult to work with, leading to lower offers.
        • Realtor: A realtor’s involvement signals a professional and serious sale, often resulting in higher buyer confidence and better offers.
      9. Existing Buyer Network
        • FSBO: Homeowners typically lack a network of potential buyers, making it harder to attract interested parties.
        • Realtor: Realtors have an active network of buyers and can quickly match your home with interested clients, speeding up the sale process.
      10. Commission Considerations
        • FSBO: If a real estate agent brings a buyer who purchases your FSBO home, the buyer’s agent still receives a commission, reducing your perceived savings.
        • Realtor: While you pay a commission to your realtor, their expertise and network often result in a higher sale price, which can offset the commission cost.
      11. Final Sale Price
        • FSBO: Studies show that FSBO homes often sell for less than homes listed with realtors, negating any savings on commission fees.
        • Realtor: Realtors aim to get the highest possible price for your home, and their expertise typically results in a higher final sale price, offsetting their commission.

      Choosing to sell your home is a major decision, and while the idea of saving on commission fees with FSBO can be tempting, the potential pitfalls and hidden costs often outweigh the benefits. Hiring a professional real estate agent like Diana, not only increases your chances of a successful sale but also ensures a smoother, more profitable experience.


Ready to take the next step in your real estate journey? Diana Klejne with Stonehaus Realty brings over a decade of experience to the table, ensuring you receive expert guidance every step of the way. Diana is known for her honesty, openness, and exceptional client communication—qualities that are particularly crucial in today’s fast-paced market. Whether you’re buying or selling, Diana offers a free, no-obligation Comparative Market Analysis to help you make informed decisions. Contact Diana today to experience her unparalleled dedication and expertise in achieving your real estate goals.

Want more tips on selling your home faster and for top dollar or to schedule your Free Market Evaluation? 

Contact Diana today!  604-789-8202  Email: [email protected]